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Tracy Ellyn Souls Series Artist
Tracy Ellyn
Tracy Ellyn artist soul series
Tracy Ellyn Miami Artist

Harvard Medical School's Dr. Steven Schachter, Chief Academic Officer and Professor of Neurology making a presentation with some of Tracy's Souls on the stage, Very grateful. This series is called, "Is It A Brain Or A Soul?"

The Souls series by Tracy Ellyn is a deconstruction and reconstruction of various pieces of prior paintings, glasswork, photography, watercolor, and more by the artist, which is then re-created into new form, new energy, new life,


And isn't that the way our souls are formed and regrown, anyway?

As different as we all are, we are inspired by the human soul, humanity's bonding element, both in life and into eternity.

Ask to see more pieces in the series.

Tracy Ellyn artist Harvard Steven Schachter MD
Tracy Ellyn Artist

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